What is electric flux?
Q: What is electric flux?
A: Electric flux is the dot product of an electric field, E, and a differential area on a surface, dA.
Q: How is electric flux calculated?
A: Electric flux can be calculated using the equation EdAcos(i), where E is the electric field and dA is an infinitesimal area on the surface across which E remains constant. The angle between E and dA is i.
Q: What does Gauss' Law for electric fields state?
A: Gauss' Law for electric fields states that for a closed Gaussian surface, the electric flux through it will equal to the net charge enclosed by it divided by the electrical constant (ε0). This relation holds true in all situations but can only be used to calculate when high degrees of symmetry exist in the electric field.
Q: What are some examples of symmetrical situations where Gauss' Law can be used to calculate?
A: Examples include spherical and cylindrical symmetry.
Q: What are SI units of electrical flux?
A: Electrical flux has SI units of volt metres (V m), or newton metres squared per coulomb (N m2 C−1). The SI base units of electrical flux are kg•m3•s−3•A−1.
Q: Does electrical flux depend on charges outside a closed surface?
A: No, electrical flux is not affected by charges that lie outside a closed surface; however, they may affect the net electric field within it.