What are the coordinates of Echternach?

Q: What are the coordinates of Echternach?

A: The coordinates of Echternach are 49°48′N 6°24′E / 49.800°N 6.400°E / 49.800; 6.400.

Q: What is the canton in which Echternach is located?

A: Echternach is located in east Luxembourg, in the canton of Echternach.

Q: What language is spoken in Echternach?

A: In Echternach, Luxembourgish is spoken.

Q: Is there a capital city for the canton of Echternach?

A: Yes, the capital city for the canton of Echternach is also called Echternach.

Q: How many degrees north and east does it lie at?

A: It lies at 49°48' North and 6°24' East.

Q: What decimal format do these coordinates take on?

A: The coordinates take on a decimal format of 49.800°N 6.400°E / 49.800; 6.400 .

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