What is the Eastern Time Zone?
Q: What is the Eastern Time Zone?
A: The Eastern Time Zone (ET) is the time zone for the eastern part of the Americas including the United States, Canada and parts of South America and the Caribbean.
Q: How many hours behind UTC is ET in winter?
A: In winter, ET is five hours behind UTC, which is called Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Q: How many hours behind UTC is ET during summer Daylight saving time?
A: During summer Daylight saving time, ET is four hours behind UTC and it's called Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Q: What city has the largest population in the Eastern Time Zone?
A: The largest city in terms of population in the Eastern Time Zone is New York City. It's also the largest city in all of United States.
Q: What metropolitan area has the largest population in this time zone?
A: The New York metropolitan area has the largest population within this time zone.
Q: Does EDT replace EST during summertime?
A: Yes, during summertime EDT replaces EST as it's four hours behind UTC instead of five.