What is the Drug Enforcement Administration?
Q: What is the Drug Enforcement Administration?
A: The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is a law enforcement agency that works for the United States Department of Justice that enforces the United States drug laws.
Q: Who does the DEA work for?
A: The DEA works for the United States Department of Justice.
Q: What is the DEA's primary responsibility?
A: The DEA's primary responsibility is drug enforcement in the United States.
Q: Does the DEA share its responsibilities with any other agency?
A: Yes, the DEA shares its responsibilities with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Q: Does the DEA have responsibility for drug enforcement outside of the United States?
A: Yes, the DEA has complete responsibility for U.S. drug enforcement investigations in other countries.
Q: Is the DEA one of the most important agencies when it comes to drug enforcement in the United States?
A: Yes, the DEA is the agency with the most responsibility for drug enforcement in the U.S.
Q: What does "duty to do something" mean in the context of the DEA's responsibilities?
A: In the context of the DEA's responsibilities, "duty to do something" means complete responsibility for U.S. drug enforcement investigations in other countries.