What is the pronunciation of Drenthe?
Q: What is the pronunciation of Drenthe?
A: The pronunciation of Drenthe is "DREN-te".
Q: What is the capital city of Drenthe?
A: The capital city of Drenthe is Assen.
Q: What are the provinces that border Drenthe?
A: The provinces that border Drenthe are Overijssel to the south, Friesland to the west, and Groningen to the north. East of it is Lower Saxony in Germany.
Q: How many people live in Drenthe (2021)?
A: Approximately 495,000 people live in Drenthe (2021).
Q: Where is Lower Saxony located?
A: Lower Saxony is located east of Drenthe and it's a part of Germany.
Q: Is Groningen a province or a country?
A: Groningen is a province located north of Drenthe.