What is Dover?

Q: What is Dover?

A: Dover is a borough located in York County, Pennsylvania, in the United States.

Q: How many people lived in Dover according to the 2000 census?

A: According to the 2000 census, Dover had a population of 1,815 people.

Q: What is the total area of Dover?

A: The total area of Dover is 1.3 km² (0.5 mi²).

Q: Is there any water body in Dover?

A: No, there are no lakes or rivers in Dover.

Q: Where is York County located?

A: York County is located in Pennsylvania, in the United States.

Q: What is the source of information about Dover's population and area?

A: The source of information about Dover's population and area is the United States Census Bureau.

Q: Is Dover a city or a borough?

A: Dover is a borough, not a city.

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