What is a disk operating system (DOS)?

Q: What is a disk operating system (DOS)?

A: A disk operating system (DOS) is a type of operating system that loads from a floppy disk each time a computer starts and accesses that disk for software to complete operations.

Q: What is MS-DOS?

A: MS-DOS is a well-known DOS that was purchased by Microsoft Corporation from a system known as QDOS.

Q: Why have operating systems become permanently installed on hard drives?

A: Operating systems have become permanently installed on hard drives because they are faster and more reliable than floppy disks and can store more data. Additionally, there has been a steady drop in hard drive prices.

Q: Are DOSes text-based or graphical?

A: DOSes are usually text-based and without graphics to save space on a floppy disk.

Q: Are DOSes still in use today?

A: Yes, DOSes are still in use in some places, mostly on older computers. This may be due to a lack of money or the need to use software that still runs on a DOS system. Some people may also have nostalgia for an older operating system or believe that text-based systems are more efficient.

Q: What is a boot disk?

A: A boot disk allows a user to start his or her computer into a DOS. This is useful in times of emergency or when one needs to install special software.

Q: What are some examples of GUI operating systems?

A: Examples of GUI operating systems include Windows, Macintosh, and Linux systems.

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