What are Doctor Yellow trains?

Q: What are Doctor Yellow trains?

A: Doctor Yellow are a group of Japanese trains used to test the condition of Shinkansen high-speed train lines.

Q: What do Doctor Yellow trains check?

A: Doctor Yellow trains check the tracks on the ground and also the wires which run above the trains.

Q: How did they get their name?

A: Their name comes from their unusual equipment onboard "Doctor", and the color that they are painted in "Yellow".

Q: Why is their color scheme yellow with a blue stripe?

A: The color scheme was made from reversing the color scheme (blue with a yellow stripe) used on test trains on non-high speed lines into yellow with a blue stripe.

Q: How fast can Doctor Yellow Trains go?

A: The trains can go as fast as normal shinkansen trains, up to 270 km/h on the Tōkaidō Shinkansen.

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