Allele frequency

Allele frequency (or allele frequency) is a term used in population genetics to describe the relative frequency of an allele in a population. It is calculated as:

{\displaystyle \mathrm {Allelfrequenz={\frac {Zahl\,der\,Kopien\,eines\,bestimmten\,Allels}{Gesamtzahl\,der\,Kopien\,aller\,Allele\,in\,der\,Population}}} }.

One speaks of gene frequency (also gene frequency) when the frequency calculation does not refer to the entire population, but to the genome of an individual.

Evolution occurs when the allele frequency in a population changes. Possible causes for this are natural selection (changes the frequency of individual alleles) or gene drift.

See also

  • Hardy Weinberg Law - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3