What is Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri?

Q: What is Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri?

A: Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri is a village located in Mishan Rural District, Mahvarmilani District, Mamasani County, Fars Province, Iran.

Q: What does the name Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri mean?

A: The name Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri translates to "Water reservoir of Jahad Ashayiri".

Q: What is the nearest city to Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri?

A: The nearest city to Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri is Mamasani.

Q: Which province is Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri located in?

A: Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri is located in the Fars Province in Iran.

Q: What is the population of Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri?

A: There is no information available about the population of Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri.

Q: What is the primary language spoken in Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri?

A: The primary language spoken in Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri is Persian.

Q: What is the distance between Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri and Tehran?

A: There is no information available about the distance between Ab Anbar-e Jahad Ashayiri and Tehran.

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