What is a field of study?
Q: What is a field of study?
A: A field of study is a general topic of knowledge, learning, or research that requires training and qualification.
Q: What are examples of fields of study?
A: Examples of fields of study are mathematics, biology, and classical studies.
Q: What are fields of study often called in schools?
A: Fields of study are often called "subjects" in schools.
Q: What do qualified people have knowledge of?
A: Qualified people have knowledge of a certain discipline or field of study.
Q: What can a chemist do?
A: A chemist knows chemistry and is able to carry out chemical analysis in a standard chemical laboratory.
Q: What is palaeography?
A: Palaeography is the study of ancient writing.
Q: What does palaeography cover?
A: Palaeography covers knowledge of older forms of writing and how to study, decipher, and translate examples of early writing.