What is the Diprotodontia?

Q: What is the Diprotodontia?

A: The Diprotodontia is a large order of about 120 Australasian marsupial mammals.

Q: What animals are included in the Diprotodontia order?

A: The order includes kangaroos, wallabies, possums, koalas, wombats, and many others.

Q: Are there any extinct members of the Diprotodontia family?

A: Yes, the extinct members include the giant Diprotodon family and Thylacoleo, the so-called "marsupial lion".

Q: What is a marsupial mammal?

A: A marsupial mammal is a type of animal that has a pouch (marsupium) in which their young develop after birth.

Q: What is the Diprotodon family?

A: The Diprotodon family is an extinct family of the Diprotodontia order.

Q: What is Thylacoleo?

A: Thylacoleo is the so-called "marsupial lion" that was part of the Diprotodontia order.

Q: Where are Australasian marsupial mammals found?

A: Australasian marsupial mammals are found in Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands.

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