What is a Diplom?
Q: What is a Diplom?
A: A Diplom is a high level degree awarded for learning in European countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Estonia, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus and Greece.
Q: How does the Diplom compare to Bachelor's and Master's degrees in other countries?
A: The Diplom is a similar award to the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in other countries.
Q: When was the Diplom first awarded?
A: The Diplom was first awarded when the Technische Hochschulen became a university.
Q: Is the Diplom still commonly awarded in European countries?
A: The Diplom is slowly being replaced by a system that awards Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
Q: What is a Bachelor's degree in Germany sometimes called?
A: Bachelor's degrees in Germany are sometimes called Bakkalaureus.
Q: How does a Bachelor's degree in Germany compare to a Diplom?
A: Bachelor's degrees in Germany are thought of as a "small Diplom".
Q: Are Diploms awarded in any countries outside of Europe?
A: The text does not mention any countries outside of Europe that award the Diplom.