What is Allan Ohata's full name?
Q: What is Allan Ohata's full name?
A: Allan Masaharu Ohata.
Q: When was Allan Ohata born and when did he die?
A: Allan Ohata was born on September 13, 1918, and died on October 17, 1977.
Q: What was Allan Ohata's profession?
A: Allan Ohata was a United States Army soldier.
Q: Did Allan Ohata receive any awards or medals for his actions during World War II?
A: Yes, Allan Ohata received the Medal of Honor for his actions during World War II.
Q: What was the reason Allan Ohata received the Medal of Honor for?
A: Allan Ohata received the Medal of Honor because of his actions in World War II.
Q: What is the significance of Allan Ohata's family name in his Japanese name format?
A: In the Japanese name format, the family name is written before the given name, so Ohata is Allan Ohata's family name.
Q: Did Allan Ohata serve in the United States Army during World War II?
A: Yes, Allan Ohata was a United States Army soldier who served during World War II.