Where was Diogenes of Sinope born?

Q: Where was Diogenes of Sinope born?

A: Diogenes of Sinope was born in the town of Sinope (now called Sinop, Turkey) around the year 412 BC.

Q: What is Cynicism?

A: Cynicism is a philosophy that focuses on living a simple life without the need for money, fame, power, or possessions. It was created by Antisthenes and Diogenes.

Q: How did Diogenes make his living?

A: Diogenes made a virtue of poverty and he begged for a living.

Q: What did Alexander the Great do when he encountered Diogenes?

A: Alexander the Great publicly mocked Diogenes when they encountered each other.

Q: Who wrote about Diogenes' life and works?

A: Details of Diogenes' life come from anecdotes written by Diogenes Laërtius in his book Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers as well as some other sources.

Q: What is Stoicism?

A: Stoicism is one of the main schools of Greek philosophy which was developed by Zeno of Citium after being taught cynicism by Crates who had learned it from Diogenes.

Q: What did Diogene do to disrupt Plato's lectures?

A: To disrupt Plato's lectures,Diogones would bring food into them and eat during the discussions.

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