Where is Dindigul located?

Q: Where is Dindigul located?

A: Dindigul is located in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

Q: What is the administrative status of Dindigul?

A: Dindigul is upgraded to a municipal corporation and is the administrative headquarters of the Dindigul district.

Q: What is the most prominent historical monument in Dindigul?

A: The Rock Fort is the most prominent historical monument in Dindigul.

Q: What are some industries present in Dindigul?

A: Industries present in Dindigul include lock making, leather, textile spinning, administrative services, agricultural trading, banking, agricultural machinery, and educational services.

Q: What is the population of Dindigul according to the 2011 census?

A: According to Tamil Nadu's 2011 census, Dindigul has a population of 292,512.

Q: What is the main occupation of inhabitants living in Dindigul?

A: Agriculture continues to be the main occupation of inhabitants living in Dindigul.

Q: Is Dindigul well-connected by road and rail with the rest of Tamil Nadu?

A: Yes, Dindigul is well-connected by road and rail with the rest of Tamil Nadu.

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