What is Dindigul district?
Q: What is Dindigul district?
A: Dindigul district is an administrative region located in the south of Tamil Nadu, India.
Q: When was Dindigul district created?
A: Dindigul district was created in 1985, carved out from Madurai district.
Q: What is the headquarters of Dindigul district?
A: The headquarters of Dindigul district is Dindigul city.
Q: How big is Dindigul district?
A: Dindigul district has an area of 6266.64 km2.
Q: How many Revenue Divisions, Taluks, and Panchayat Unions does Dindigul district comprise?
A: Dindigul district comprises three Revenue Divisions, nine Taluks, and 14 Panchayat Unions.
Q: What is the population of Dindigul district according to the 2011 census of India?
A: According to the 2011 census of India, Dindigul district had a population of 2,159,775.
Q: What is the sex ratio of Dindigul district?
A: The sex ratio of Dindigul district is 998 females for every 1,000 males, which is much above the national average of 929.