What are the coordinates of Diekirch?
Q: What are the coordinates of Diekirch?
A: The coordinates of Diekirch are 49°52'N 6°10'E / 49.867°N 6.167°E / 49.867; 6.167.
Q: What is the capital of the canton in Luxembourg that Diekirch belongs to?
A: The capital of the canton in Luxembourg that Diekirch belongs to is also Diekirch.
Q: In what language is "Diekirch" pronounced?
A: "Diekirch" is pronounced in Luxembourgish as "Dikrech".
Q: How many degrees north and east are represented by the coordinates for Diekirch?
A: The coordinates for Diekirch represent 49°52'N and 6°10'E respectively.
Q: What does "" mean in this context?
A: The symbol indicates a non-breaking space, which means it prevents an automatic line break at its position when text wraps around it.
Q: How many decimal places are used to represent the latitude and longitude of Diekirch?
A: The latitude and longitude of Diekirch are represented with four decimal places each (49.867°N 6.167°E).
Q: Is there a difference between how the coordinates for DieKirsch appear with or without ?
A: No, there is no difference between how the coordinates for DieKirsch appear with or without - they both represent exactly same location (49°52′N 6°10′E/49.867°N 6.167°E/49.867;6.167).