What is Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg?
Q: What is Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg?
A: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (The Mastersingers of Nuremberg) is an opera by Richard Wagner. It is the only comic opera that Wagner wrote.
Q: When was it written and first performed?
A: Wagner wrote the words (the libretto) in 1862 and composed the music in 1867. It was first performed in Munich in 1868.
Q: Where does the story take place?
A: The story is set in the town of Nuremberg (German: Nürnberg) in 16th century Germany.
Q: Who are the Mastersingers?
A: The Mastersingers (German: Meistersinger) were a guild of singers in Germany many centuries ago. The most famous of them was a man called Hans Sachs, who lived in the 16th century.
Q: Is Hans Sachs a real person or made up by Wagner?
A: Although Hans Sachs was a real person, the story of the opera was made up by Wagner.
Q: What is the plot about?
A: It is a story about a song contest.
Q: What genre does this opera fall under?
A; This opera falls under comedy genre as it is Wagner's only comic opera