What is the title of the opera?

Q: What is the title of the opera?

A: The title of the opera is Dido and Aeneas.

Q: Who wrote the story and words for Dido and Aeneas?

A: Nahum Tate wrote the story and words for Dido and Aeneas.

Q: Who composed the music for Dido and Aeneas?

A: Henry Purcell composed the music for Dido and Aeneas.

Q: When was Dido and Aeneas written?

A: It is believed that Dido and Aeneas was written around 1684-1685.

Q: What other work may have served as a model for Dido and Aeneas?

A: John Blow's Venus and Adonis, as well as Marc-Antoine Charpentier's little French operas, may have served as models for Dido and Aeneas.

Q: Where was it intended to be performed originally?

A: It was originally intended to be performed at court.

Q: What is the source material of this opera taken from?

A: The source material of this opera is taken from Virgil's Aeneid, which tells of the tragic love between Trojan prince, Aenaeis,and Queen of Carthage,Dido.

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