What is devolution?
Q: What is devolution?
A: Devolution is when a central government transfers powers to a local government. It is sometimes called Home Rule or decentralisation.
Q: Where has devolution happened in the United Kingdom?
A: Devolution has happened in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Q: What are the bodies created by devolved assemblies?
A: The bodies created by devolved assemblies are The Welsh Parliament, and the Welsh Government; The Northern Ireland Assembly, and the Northern Ireland Executive; and The Scottish Parliament, and the Scottish Government.
Q: Does England have its own parliament?
A: England does not currently have its own parliament, but there have been increasing calls today for one.
Q: How do devolved assemblies depend on the parent body?
A: Devolved assemblies depend on the parent body as they could be abolished by the British government at any time.
Q: Is this different from a federal country?
A: Yes, this is different from a federal country like Germany where states exist because of their constitution rather than depending on their national parliament.