What is Detective Conan?
Q: What is Detective Conan?
A: Detective Conan is a crime manga series written by Gosho Aoyama that was first published in 1994.
Q: Who is the main character of Detective Conan?
A: The main character of Detective Conan is a teenage detective named Shinichi Kudo.
Q: What happened to Shinichi Kudo in Detective Conan?
A: Shinichi Kudo was poisoned by an evil group called "The Black Organization", and the poison turned him into a small child.
Q: What is Shinichi Kudo's new identity in Detective Conan?
A: Shinichi Kudo adopts a new identity as "Conan Edogawa" and lives with his girlfriend, Ran Mouri, and her father, Detective Kogoro Mori.
Q: What is the plot of Detective Conan?
A: As a child, Shinichi/Conan helps Kogorou solve murder cases while trying to find the men who poisoned him to steal the poison and create an antidote.
Q: Why was the name Detective Conan changed to Case Closed in English?
A: The name was changed to Case Closed in English for legal reasons that were never specified.
Q: Were any character names changed in Detective Conan when it was first brought to the United States?
A: Yes, some of the character names were changed in the United States version.