What is the subfamily Deomyinae?
Q: What is the subfamily Deomyinae?
A: The subfamily Deomyinae consists of four genera of mouse-like rodents.
Q: How are the members of this subfamily united?
A: The members of this subfamily are united solely on the basis of shared genetic mutations.
Q: What type of evidence supports the conclusions about Deomyinae?
A: The conclusions about Deomyinae have been demonstrated with good statistical support using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, as well as DNA-DNA hybridization.
Q: Are there any physical characteristics that can be used to separate deomyines from other muroids?
A: No, there are no morphological characteristics that can be used to separate deomyines from other muroids. However, subtle aspects of the third upper molar have been suggested.
Q: Where are all genera found in this subfamily located?
A: All genera in this subfamily are found in Africa, suggesting that it may have originated there. The spiny mice (Acomys spp.) are also found in Asia.
Q: How many species and genera make up the Deomyinae Subfamily?
A: There are currently 4 genera and 36 species included in the Deomyinae Subfamily.