What is Demmin?

Q: What is Demmin?

A: Demmin is a former district in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany.

Q: When was the district of Demmin created?

A: The district of Demmin was created in 1994.

Q: How was the district of Demmin formed?

A: The district of Demmin was formed by combining the former districts of Demmin, Altentreptow, and Malchin.

Q: What is the IPA for Demmin?

A: The IPA for Demmin is [dɛˈmiːn].

Q: Where is Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania located?

A: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is located in Germany.

Q: What is the significance of Altentreptow and Malchin in the formation of the district of Demmin?

A: Altentreptow and Malchin were former districts that were joined to form the district of Demmin.

Q: Is the district of Demmin still in existence?

A: The text describes the district of Demmin as a former district, suggesting that it is no longer in existence.

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