Degree of a polynomial

In mathematics, the degree of a polynomial in a variable is the largest exponent in its standard representation as a sum of monomials. For example, the degree of the polynomial 2X^{5}-X^{3}+7X^{2} is equal to 5, namely the exponent of the monomial 2X^{5}. For polynomials in multiple variables, the degree of a monomial is defined as the sum of the exponents of the contained variable powers, and the degree of a polynomial (also called the total degree) is defined as the maximum of the degrees of the monomials that make up the polynomial. For example, the monomial X^{2}Y^{3}Zand hence the polynomial {\displaystyle -3X^{2}Y^{3}Z+7X^{4}Y+XYZ^{2}}have degree 6.


Let Rbe a commutative ring, n>0be a natural number, and be R[X_{1},\dots ,X_{n}]the polynomial ring in variables X_1, \dots, X_n. If

0\neq m:=X_{1}^{{e_{1}}}X_{2}^{{e_{2}}}\cdots X_{n}^{{e_{n}}}\in R[X_{1},\dots ,X_{n}]

a monomial with e_{1},\dots ,e_{n}\in {\mathbb {N}}\cup \{0\}, then the degree of mdefined as.

\deg(m):=e_{1}+\ldots +e_{n}.

Now be

0\neq f=a_{1}m_{1}+\ldots +a_{r}m_{r}\in R[X_{1},\dots ,X_{n}]

a polynomial with r\in {\mathbb {N}}, a_{1},\dots ,a_{r}\in R\setminus \{0\}and monomials m_{1},\dots ,m_{r}. Then the degree or total degree of fdefined as.

\deg(f):=\max _{{j=1,\dots ,r}}\deg(m_{j}).

There are several conventions for defining the degree of {\displaystyle 0} . In algebra, it is common to set \deg(0):=-\infty . In contrast, the definition deg often \deg(0):=-1preferred in areas of mathematics concerned with solving algebraic problems using computers.

Remark: Since monomials consist of only finitely many factors, the definition of the degree of a monomial and thus also the definition of the degree of a polynomial can be directly extended to polynomial rings in any number of variables.


be f,g\in R[X_{1},\dots ,X_{n}]polynomials over R. Then

  • \deg(fg)\leq \deg(f)+\deg(g)and
  • \deg(f+g)\leq \max(\deg(f),\deg(g)).

For the case we even get\deg(f)\neq \deg(g)\deg(f+g)=\max(\deg(f),\deg(g)).

If Ran integrality ring, then even


for all f,g\in R[X_{i}\;|\;i\in I]. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3