What was Tina Thomas Watson's age when she died?
Q: What was Tina Thomas Watson's age when she died?
A: Tina Thomas Watson was 26 years old when she died.
Q: Where did Tina die?
A: Tina died on her honeymoon on the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia.
Q: How long had she been married to her husband at the time of her death?
A: At the time of her death, Tina had been married to her husband for 11 days.
Q: Who performed the autopsy after her death?
A: A doctor performed the autopsy after Tina's death.
Q: Was Gabe Watson charged with murder and manslaughter?
A: Yes, six years after Christina's death, Gabe Watson was charged with murder and manslaughter.
Q: What plea did Gabe enter in court?
A: Gabe entered a plea of guilty to manslaughter in court.
Q: Where is Christina buried?
A: Christina is buried at Southern Heritage Cemetery in Pelham, Alabama, USA.