What is the name of the city in Spain?

Q: What is the name of the city in Spain?

A: The city in Spain is called Alicante (or Alacant in Valencian).

Q: What is the population of Alicante proper?

A: The population of Alicante proper as of 2014 was about 332,067.

Q: How many people live in the metropolitan area including Elche and satellite towns?

A: As of 2009, there were 795,034 people living in the metropolitan area including Elche and satellite towns.

Q: What type of climate does Alicante have?

A: Alicante has a hot semi-arid climate (BSh) according to the Koeppen climate classification.

Q: What is Maisonnave Avenue?

A: Maisonnave Avenue is a principal commercial street in the city of Alicante. It is considered to be one of the most expensive avenues in all of Spain.

Q: Who took Santa Barbara's Castle from the Arabs?

A: Santa Barbara's Castle was taken from the Arabs by Alfonso of Castilla on December 4th 1248.

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