What does danger mean?

Q: What does danger mean?

A: Danger means the possibility of something bad happening.

Q: What is a situation called when there is a risk of something bad happening?

A: A situation is called dangerous, risky, or perilous.

Q: What do people often do despite the potential of being hurt?

A: People often take risks or do things that might hurt them.

Q: Give an example of taking a risk.
A: Crossing the road without looking carefully is an example of taking a risk.

Q: What can be described as dangerous?

A: Anything that involves a risk of injury or to health can be described as dangerous.

Q: What is an example of something dangerous to health?

A: Smoking is an example of something dangerous to health.

Q: Why can being around some animals be dangerous?

A: Being around some animals can be dangerous because they might attack humans.

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