What is Damascus Governorate?

Q: What is Damascus Governorate?

A: Damascus Governorate is one of the fourteen provinces in Syria.

Q: What is the capital of Syria?

A: The capital of Syria is Damascus.

Q: How large is Damascus Governorate?

A: Damascus Governorate has an area of approximately 107 km2.

Q: What does Damascus Governorate consist of?

A: Damascus Governorate consists of the city of Damascus and the suburb of Yarmouk Camp.

Q: How many governorates are there in Syria?

A: There are fourteen governorates in Syria.

Q: What is the population of Damascus Governorate?

A: The population of Damascus Governorate is around 1,711,000.

Q: What governorate surrounds Damascus Governorate?

A: Rif Dimashq Governorate completely surrounds Damascus Governorate.

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