Where is Dakota City located?

Q: Where is Dakota City located?

A: Dakota City is located in Dakota County, Nebraska, United States.

Q: How many people lived in Dakota City according to the 2010 census?

A: According to the 2010 census, 1,919 people lived in Dakota City.

Q: Is Dakota City the county seat of Dakota County?

A: Yes, Dakota City is the county seat of Dakota County.

Q: What is the population of Dakota County?

A: The text does not provide information on the population of Dakota County.

Q: What is the significance of Dakota City?

A: The text does not provide information on the significance of Dakota City.

Q: Is Dakota City a rural or urban area?

A: The text does not provide information on whether Dakota City is a rural or urban area.

Q: Are there any landmarks or attractions in Dakota City?

A: The text does not provide information on landmarks or attractions in Dakota City.

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