How many districts are there in Bhutan?

Q: How many districts are there in Bhutan?

A: There are 20 districts in Bhutan.

Q: Where is the Dagana District located?

A: The Dagana District is located in Bhutan.

Q: What are the coordinates of Dagana District?

A: The coordinates of Dagana District are 27°0′N 89°55′E.

Q: What is the administrative centre of Dagana District?

A: The administrative centre of Dagana District is Daga.

Q: Is the Dagana District the only district in Bhutan?

A: No, there are 20 districts in Bhutan.

Q: What is the importance of the coordinates given in the text?

A: The coordinates given in the text help to locate the Dagana District precisely on the map.

Q: What can be inferred about the Dagana District from the text?

A: From the text, it can be inferred that the Dagana District is a part of Bhutan with Daga being its administrative centre. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3