What is Dabry's sturgeon?
Q: What is Dabry's sturgeon?
A: Dabry's sturgeon, also known as the Yangtze sturgeon, is a fish belonging to the family Acipenseridae and the order Acipenseriformes.
Q: What is the age of Dabry's sturgeon?
A: Dabry's sturgeon is believed to have lived around 140 million years ago and is considered a living fossil.
Q: Is Dabry's sturgeon protected by the government?
A: Yes, the Chinese government carefully protects Dabry's sturgeon and it is considered a national treasure much like the Giant Panda.
Q: What is the size of Dabry's sturgeon?
A: Dabry's sturgeon can range between 200 to 500 cm (79 to 197 in) and weigh between 200 to 500 kg (440 to 1,100 lb) on average. A fully grown sturgeon can measure up to 4 meters (13 ft) and weigh over 450 kg (990 lbs), making it the third biggest after the White sturgeon and Atlantic sturgeon.
Q: Where does Dabry's sturgeon live?
A: Dabry's sturgeon lives in the main streams of the Yangtze River and coastal regions of Qiantang River, Minjiang River, and Pearl River.
Q: What is the reproductive behavior of sturgeon?
A: Sturgeon are anadromous, which means they spawn in freshwater and migrate to saltwater to mature.
Q: How is Dabry's sturgeon unique?
A: Dabry's sturgeon is unique because of its massive size and the fact that it has lived for millions of years, making it a living fossil.