What are Cynodonts?

Q: What are Cynodonts?

A: Cynodonts are a sub-order of the Therapsida, named after their dog-like teeth.

Q: What is a clade?

A: A clade is a group of organisms that all derive from a common ancestor.

Q: Are modern mammals and their extinct close relatives in the same taxon?

A: Yes, modern mammals and their extinct close relatives, the Mammaliaformes, are in the same taxon as the Cynodonts.

Q: When did the cynodonts first appear in the fossil record?

A: The cynodonts first appeared in the fossil record in the Upper Permian, 256 million years ago.

Q: Did the cynodonts live in all continents?

A: Yes, the cynodonts lived in all continents.

Q: What led to the extinction of the extinct members of the cynodonts?

A: The extinct members of the cynodonts were victims of the End-Triassic extinction event.

Q: Did the line that led to the mammals survive the End-Triassic extinction event?

A: Yes, the line that led to the mammals survived the End-Triassic extinction event.

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