What is Cuxhaven?

Q: What is Cuxhaven?

A: Cuxhaven is a district in Lower Saxony, Germany.

Q: Where is Cuxhaven located?

A: Cuxhaven is located in Lower Saxony, Germany.

Q: What type of district is Cuxhaven?

A: Cuxhaven is a Landkreis district in Lower Saxony, Germany.

Q: What is the capital city of Cuxhaven district?

A: There is no known capital city for Cuxhaven district.

Q: What is the population of Cuxhaven district?

A: The population of Cuxhaven district is unknown.

Q: What is the land area of Cuxhaven district?

A: The land area of Cuxhaven district is unknown.

Q: What other important features can be found in Cuxhaven district?

A: There is no information about other important features in Cuxhaven district.

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