Where is Cusco located?

Q: Where is Cusco located?

A: Cusco is located in southeastern Peru, near the Huatanay Valley in the Andes mountain range.

Q: What is the population of Cusco?

A: The city has a population of about 300,000, which is triple the population it contained just 20 years ago.

Q: What is the alternate spelling of Cusco in old Quechua?

A: The alternate spelling of Cusco in old Quechua is Qusqu.

Q: After the Spanish arrived, what was the alternate spelling of Cusco?

A: After the Spanish arrived, the alternate spelling of Cusco was Cusco.

Q: What is the current Quechua spelling of Cusco?

A: The current Quechua spelling of Cusco is Qosqo.

Q: What is the preferred way to spell Cusco in Spanish?

A: The preferred way to spell Cusco in Spanish is Cusco.

Q: What is the capital of Cusco Region?

A: Cusco is the capital of Cusco Region.

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