What is the scientific name for crows?

Q: What is the scientific name for crows?

A: The scientific name for crows is Corvus.

Q: What family do crows belong to?

A: Crows belong to the family Corvidae.

Q: What type of birds are crows?

A: Crows are medium to large sized birds.

Q: What are crows known for eating?

A: Crows are known for being carnivores and scavengers.

Q: How many species are in the genus Corvus?

A: There are 40 or so species in the genus Corvus.

Q: Where did crows evolve from?

A: Crows appear to have evolved from corvid stock which had evolved in Australia.

Q: What is a collective name for a group of crows?

A: The collective name for a group of crows is a flock or, more poetically, a murder.

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