Where is Crisfield located?

Q: Where is Crisfield located?

A: Crisfield is located in Somerset County, Maryland.

Q: What is the main body of water near Crisfield?

A: The main body of water near Crisfield is the Tangier Sound, which is an arm of the Chesapeake Bay.

Q: How many people lived in Crisfield according to the 2010 US census?

A: According to the 2010 US census, 2,726 people lived in Crisfield.

Q: What is notable about Crisfield's location in relation to other incorporated cities in Maryland?

A: Crisfield holds the distinction of being the southernmost incorporated city in Maryland.

Q: What type of area is Somerset County, Maryland?

A: Somerset County, Maryland is a county located on the eastern shore of Maryland.

Q: What is notable about the Chesapeake Bay?

A: The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States, with over 11,000 miles of shoreline.

Q: How does the Tangier Sound relate to the Chesapeake Bay?

A: The Tangier Sound is an arm of the Chesapeake Bay, meaning it is a smaller, connected body of water within the larger bay system.

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