What county is Craven Arms located in?

Q: What county is Craven Arms located in?

A: Craven Arms is located in the county of Shropshire, England.

Q: When was Craven Arms established?

A: Craven Arms was established relatively recently compared to other places in Shropshire, being only a small village called Newton on a 1695 map.

Q: Where is the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre located?

A: The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre is located in Craven Arms.

Q: What river flows near the town?

A: The River Onny flows to the east of the town.

Q: Does Craven Arms have a railway station?

A: Yes, it does. The railway station provides direct trains to Shrewsbury, Manchester, North Wales and South Wales.

Q: How many people lived in the town according to 2011 census?

A: According to 2011 census, 2289 people lived in the town of Craven Arms.

Q: Is there another railway line that joins with Welsh Marches line outside of the station?

A: Yes, there is - The Heart of Wales railway line joins with Welsh Marches line just outside of the station.

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