What is a cowbird?
Q: What is a cowbird?
A: A cowbird is a bird of the genus Molothrus that is a brood parasite and lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.
Q: How does a cowbird trick other birds?
A: The cowbird tricks other birds into raising the young cowbirds by laying its eggs in their nests.
Q: Where is the family Icteridae limited to?
A: The family Icteridae is limited to the New World.
Q: What do cowbirds feed on?
A: Cowbirds feed on insects, including those stirred up by cattle.
Q: How many hosts does the Brown-headed Cowbird have?
A: The Brown-headed Cowbird has over 220 hosts.
Q: Do all cowbird species have the same number of hosts?
A: No, the other cowbird species have fewer known hosts.
Q: Do cowbirds choose specific hosts?
A: No, all cowbird species are generalists when it comes to choosing a host, which means that the eggs may look very different from the host's eggs.