What is the cover in combat sports?
Q: What is the cover in combat sports?
A: The cover is a defensive movement in which a fighter uses a weapon or body part to protect themselves against strikes.
Q: What are some combat sports where the cover technique is used?
A: The cover technique is used in combat sports such as fencing, boxing, karate, etc.
Q: How does the cover differ from block or parry techniques in combat sports?
A: The cover is a passive form of defense, while the block and parry techniques are considered active.
Q: What body parts can be used for the cover in combat sports?
A: Body parts such as the fist, forearm, elbow, arm, or shoulder can be used for the cover in combat sports.
Q: What is the meaning of the term "protection" in boxing?
A: In boxing, "protection" refers to when a fighter raises their arm in order to protect their face or head against a possible attack.
Q: What is the purpose of using the cover technique in combat sports?
A: The purpose of using the cover technique is to protect oneself against strikes by placing a weapon or body part before the aim of the attack.
Q: Is the cover technique a form of attack or defense in combat sports?
A: The cover technique is a form of defense in combat sports.