When was Cougar Town first aired on ABC?

Q: When was Cougar Town first aired on ABC?

A: Cougar Town was first aired on ABC on September 23, 2009.

Q: Where is the show Cougar Town set?

A: The show Cougar Town is set in Gulfhaven, Florida which is nicknamed "Cougar Town" due to its high school teams being called the Cougars.

Q: What is the focus of the series Cougar Town?

A: The series Cougar Town focuses on a recently divorced woman in her forties.

Q: Who is the star of Cougar Town?

A: Courteney Cox is the star of Cougar Town and she plays the character Jules Cobb.

Q: What type of show is Cougar Town?

A: Cougar Town is an American television sitcom.

Q: Which state is the setting of Cougar Town situated in?

A: Cougar Town is set in Gulfhaven, Florida which is a state in the United States of America.

Q: Why is Gulfhaven nicknamed "Cougar Town"?

A: Gulfhaven is nicknamed "Cougar Town" because its high school teams are called the Cougars.

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