What is cotton?
Q: What is cotton?
A: Cotton is a natural, soft fiber that grows with the seeds of the cotton plant. It is long and thin like hair.
Q: How is cotton thread made?
A: After the cotton fiber is gathered from the plant, it can be spun into cotton thread. The cotton thread can then be made into cloth.
Q: Where does most of the cotton come from?
A: Most of the cotton gathered to make cloth comes from crops grown on cotton plantations in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas.
Q: How absorbent is cotton?
A: Cotton soaks up to 24-27 of its own weight in water (very absorbent).
Q: What other plants are related to the mallow family?
A: Other members of the mallow family include hollyhocks and hibiscus, used to brighten gardens all over the world.
Q: How did early humans use cotton fibers?
A: Early humans realized that the soft, fluffy fibers might be suitable for textile use and began to breed the plant, selecting for fluffy, easily spun varieties.
Q: How was harvesting laborious before invention of technology?
A: Before invention of technology such as a Cotton Gin , harvesting had to be done manually which was a laborious process .