Where is Cotswolds located?
Q: Where is Cotswolds located?
A: Cotswolds is located in central-southwest England.
Q: What is Cotswolds known as?
A: Cotswolds is sometimes known as the "Heart of England".
Q: How high does Cotswolds reach?
A: Cotswolds is a hilly area that reaches over 300 m in height.
Q: What is the highest point in Cotswolds?
A: The highest point in Cotswolds is Cleeve Hill, which stands at 330 m (1083 ft).
Q: What designation has been given to the Cotswolds?
A: The Cotswolds has been designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Q: In which ceremonial counties does Cotswolds lie?
A: Cotswolds lies within the ceremonial counties of Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Somerset, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire.
Q: Which county forms the largest area of the Cotswolds?
A: The county of Gloucestershire forms the largest area of the Cotswolds.