What is the Corvidae family?
Q: What is the Corvidae family?
A: The Corvidae family is a group of passerines, commonly known as the crow family.
Q: How many species are in the Corvidae family?
A: There are over 120 species in the Corvidae family.
Q: What is the genus that includes crows, jackdaws and ravens?
A: The genus that includes crows, jackdaws and ravens is called Corvus.
Q: Where are most crows found?
A: Most crows can be found in South America, Central America, Europe and Asia.
Q: Are there any continents without crows?
A: Crows can not be found in the southern area of South America or Antarctica.
Q: How many species of crows are there in Africa, Australia and North America?
A: There are only 10 species each of crows in Africa, Australia and North America.
Q: What do you call a group of crows?
A: A group of crows is called a murder.