Where is Coronel Fabriciano located?

Q: Where is Coronel Fabriciano located?

A: Coronel Fabriciano is a city in the Vale do Aço metropolitan area, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Q: What is the estimated population of Coronel Fabriciano?

A: The municipal population was estimated in 2020 by IBGE to be 110,290 inhabitants.

Q: What is the area of Coronel Fabriciano?

A: The area of Coronel Fabriciano is 221.252 km².

Q: When was Coronel Fabriciano founded?

A: Coronel Fabriciano was founded on December 27, 1948.

Q: Why did Coronel Fabriciano develop?

A: The development of Coronel Fabriciano is due to the presence of large companies in the region, such as Aperam South America (old Acesita) and Usiminas, whose industries were located in Coronel Fabriciano at the time they were constructed.

Q: When did Coronel Fabriciano lose its industrial areas?

A: Coronel Fabriciano lost its industrial areas in 1964, due to the emancipation of Timóteo and Ipatinga.

Q: Which cities is Coronel Fabriciano bounded with?

A: Coronel Fabriciano is bounded with Ipatinga, Timóteo, Ferros, Joanésia, Antônio Dias, and Mesquita.

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