What is Cornwallis Square?

Q: What is Cornwallis Square?

A: Cornwallis Square is a Canadian village in Kings County, Nova Scotia.

Q: Where is Cornwallis Square located?

A: Cornwallis Square is located on the Cornwallis River.

Q: When was Cornwallis Square established?

A: Cornwallis Square was originally established in 1947 as the WCG Commission.

Q: What were the responsibilities of the WCG Commission?

A: The WCG Commission was responsible for fire protection, recreation and sidewalks in Waterville, Cambridge, and Grafton.

Q: When was the name of Cornwallis Square changed?

A: The name of Cornwallis Square was changed when the rural community of Woodville was included in the service area in the 1960s.

Q: What is the largest employer in Cornwallis Square?

A: Michelin is the largest employer in Cornwallis Square.

Q: What does Michelin do?

A: There is no information in the text about what Michelin does.

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