Where is Ålesund located?

Q: Where is Ålesund located?

A: Ålesund is a city and municipality in Møre og Romsdal county, Norway.

Q: When was Ålesund founded?

A: Ålesund was founded in 1837.

Q: What makes Ålesund famous worldwide?

A: Ålesund has gotten attention worldwide for being one of the best small sea ports in Europe.

Q: Is Ålesund a big or small city?

A: Ålesund can be considered a small city.

Q: What is the main business in Ålesund?

A: Fishing is one of the main businesses in Ålesund.

Q: Is Ålesund a popular tourist destination?

A: Yes, Ålesund is a popular tourist destination.

Q: What county is Ålesund in?

A: Ålesund is in Møre og Romsdal county, Norway.

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