What is Cooper Tire & Rubber Company?

Q: What is Cooper Tire & Rubber Company?

A: Cooper Tire & Rubber Company is a company based in the United States.

Q: What does Cooper Tire & Rubber Company design, manufacture, market, and sell?

A: Cooper Tire & Rubber Company designs, manufactures, markets, and sells replacement automobile and truck tires.

Q: What types of tires does Cooper Tire & Rubber Company produce through its subsidiaries?

A: Cooper Tire & Rubber Company produces medium truck, motorcycle, and racing tires through its subsidiaries.

Q: Where is Cooper Tire & Rubber Company's headquarters located?

A: Cooper Tire & Rubber Company's headquarters is located in Findlay, Ohio.

Q: How many facilities does Cooper Tire & Rubber Company have around the world?

A: Cooper Tire & Rubber Company has 60 facilities located around the world.

Q: What other brand does Cooper Tire & Rubber Company own?

A: Cooper Tire & Rubber Company owns the UK Avon Tyres brand.

Q: What types of tires does the UK Avon Tyres brand produce?

A: The UK Avon Tyres brand produces tires for motorcycles, road cars, and for motor racing.

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