When was Constant Permeke born?
Q: When was Constant Permeke born?
A: Constant Permeke was born on July 31, 1886.
Q: Where did the Permeke family move to when he was six years old?
A: When Constant Permeke was six years old, his family moved to Ostend.
Q: What did his father do for a living?
A: His father worked as the curator of the Municipal Museum of Arts.
Q: Where did he live after returning from military service in 1908?
A: After returning from military service in 1908, Constant Permeke lived as a recluse in Latem.
Q: What happened to him during World War I?
A: During World War I, Constant Permeke was wounded in action near the town of Duffel and had to be evacuated to the United Kingdom.
Q: How did Belgium recognize him in 1997?
A: In 1997, Belgium recognized Constant Permeke by dedicating the 1,000 franc bill to him and his work.
Q: When did he die and where is he buried? A: Constant Permeke died on January 4th 1952 and is buried next to his wife at the cemetery in Jabbeke.