What is a consortium?
Q: What is a consortium?
A: A consortium is a group of two or more independent companies, individuals, or other economic actors that work together for a limited amount of time to achieve a specific purpose.
Q: How many entities are typically involved in forming a consortium?
A: A consortium is usually formed by two or more entities.
Q: What types of activities do consortia often take part in?
A: Consortia are commonly found in the building industries and are often used to build roads and bridges.
Q: How long does a consortium typically last?
A: Consortia usually exist for only a limited amount of time until their purpose has been fulfilled.
Q: Are consortia exclusive to the building industry?
A: No, consortia can be formed by any type of entity for any purpose. However, they are most commonly found in the building industry.
Q: Who can form a consortium?
A: Any type of company, individual, or economic actor can form a consortium.
Q: What is the main goal of forming a consortium?
A: The main goal of forming a consortium is to work together towards achieving an agreed upon purpose within an allotted time frame.